Category Archives: Uncategorized

Donec eleifend ipsum sed ipsum

Proin semper nisi eget elit pharetra hendrerit at vel mauris. Etiam id enim orci. Etiam quis commodo ipsum. Nullam urna tellus, hendrerit eu bibendum non, dapibus vitae nisi. : Quisque eget sapien vel diam tristique sodales at eget lectus. Nam convallis lacus ut neque convallis nec lobortis dui ornare. Nam vulputate velit eget nisl viverra…MORE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam et tellus velit, ut venenatis magna. Maecenas volutpat enim sit amet ligula porttitor elementum. Nam dui est, aliquet malesuada pellentesque ut, porta vitae nibh. : Maecenas libero purus, vestibulum a congue eget, laoreet in purus. Mauris mi risus, vulputate at elementum eget, rhoncus sed dolor. Nullam vel nibh mauris. Morbi ornare…MORE

Could red wine help slow Alzheimer’s?

A new study suggests resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, dark chocolate and red wine, could help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. But Dr. Sanjay Gupta says it’s too early in the research to start taking resveratrolMORE

House votes against the Iran nuclear deal

The U.S. House of Representatives rejected the Iran nuclear deal. The Republicans’ message of disapproval comes one day after Democrats were able to block efforts to kill the deal.MORE


testing 123 456 quik update another update name changeMORE


testing 123 456 quik update another update name changeMORE


testing 123 456 quik update another update name changeMORE

From lawyer to Lego artist

From lawyer to Lego artist

Previously a corporate lawyer in New York City, Nathan Sawaya has built a second career in art by using Lego bricks to create sculptures.MORE